Monday, December 21, 2009

I feel so lonely..

why does almost everone i text to think that i'm annoying? I barely text them and yet they barely reply whatever I text them. Don't know why, but it feels so ironical to me..

hmmmm...........worth thinking or digging into

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Of new friends and pg-18 sketches.. =D

The District Interact Conference that was held this year in the campus of the New INTI College was an awesome and unforgettable adventure for everyone who went there, seriously -.- I know that to some of you, conferences sounds like a god-awful way to waste four(4) whole days of your lives in but this particular one was an exception. Sure, some of the speeches were boring, half of the people in the hall were dozing off. Why? maybe it's because that the speeches were o integrity, morality, patriotism and uhhh, i dozed off halfway through it all, so I don't remember now. Anyway, most of it was was fun to listen to too; facebook-ing, trip to the south and north pole by Datin Paduka (Dr.) Hajjah Sharifah Mazlina, crime related problems in schools and so on and so forth.

I'm too lazy to upload pictures and sadly I don't have a camera so I took no pictures whatsoever on my own.

On the day of arrival, we, the Penang team had to rush as fast as possible to our respective dorms because lunch was almost done and the ice-breaking event was about to begin, and i don't wanna miss that =D don't ask why -.- The girls get to share a 10x8 ish room with 2 people in each but the guys had to settle with one person per room, which is very small, 6x4 ish. My room had air-conditioning as it was on the 4th floor, and lugging around my bag all the way up there was anything but fun =_="

During the ice-breaking event, we got split up into groups of 10 i think. The Penang contingent joined in halfway after we had our lunches. In this other game, we had to make as many connecting lines as possible from one end of a tennis court to the other using whatever we had at that point in time except a pencil, what can we do weth a pencil??draw a line? I actually sacrificed the most; my ipod, the earphones, my belt, hat, and.......pants T_T good thing I was wearing boxers on that particular day.

Everything else that happenned throughout the other 2 days were speeches and eating. Other than that, we started planning our performance for the talentime on the 3rd day. We started brainstorming and came up with quite a disturbing topic after listening to the crime related problems in school; which was about 'DON'T HAVE underage sex'. We started practicing on the night before the talentime. I was playing the main character, the one that's innocent and was seduced by the girl into doing you-know-what. Unfortunately, we didn't get to finish the sketch because of the 6-minute time limit. -.-

I made a lot of "exciting" friends and adventures there, and I also gt a lot of digits, "ehem". The goodbyes were somehow long, hard and really saddening. =(

All in all, it was one heck of a place to spend four days in. Didn't regret a single moment being there at all.

Oh yea, everyone loved and wanted my awesome hat that mimah gave; it makes me so proud to make them think I'm great at dancing.. ;D

Friday, November 13, 2009


After much labour in complete discretion in confinement of my own chamber of solitude (my bedroom), I'm finally free to roam about in freedom as my end-years had just finished at 1200 this afternoon. the complete torture of 316 and a half hours of my life. I'm in need of a much deserved holiday from studying although my quest for knowledge is never going to end , ever.

Hopefully I want to finish this story, too bad I only had 45 minutes left to write the story during my English Paper 1 exam. The title was "An Unexpected Visitor"
I actually wrote about a beginning of a novel if I ever am hardworking enough to do so. It's about the father of a boy, me, who dissapeared 10 years ago in the deep jungles of the Amazon in search of the source of the Nile. What everyone didn't know that there was a treasure or perhaps a clue for the treasure hidden at it's source. The reason he dissapeared was because he was betrayed by his own best friend who went on the mission with him. It turns out that the boy' dad had been working under MI6 until he dissapeared. Oh yea, the boy and his single mom lived in Kensington Gardens of twentieth century London, England.

I really have to catch up on my novels, I bpught so many yet, read so little. I'm still unsure of what to do with my life so far, that's why i'm sticking to the science stream. I have to, I can't just change to other streams in form 5, it'll be too late then.

I guess i should find my purpose for the future this holidays other than spending time studying T_T sad life.. *topples over*

Gotta go now.
I'm not not not not not on drugs, I think..

Thursday, November 12, 2009

ONE MORE DAY! ! ! ! !

After 13 full days of torture, It's finally down to the last paper on the last day of End-years, Sejarah Paper ONE......gaaahhh. I hate history, with all the remembering of the dates and kingdoms and people.At least there's the OMR paper, there's only four options for each question. When options are laid in front of me like that, all I have to do is choose. Of course if I chose all Bs or so, I would only have a 25% chance of getting all correct for that particular paper. I neither studied nor prepared for the upcoming challenge.

OK, there's officially 8 more days until my birthday =) hopefulyy it'll be something memorable. Godd memorable, not bad. But for sure I won't be celebrating alone like last year. Ni ine knew me in Johor and I was singing to myself, alone, in the confinement of my mind. So so pathetic when you think about it, but that's my life. huh..

Laments and rantings until next time, bye..

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I know what I did last Raya

I know what I did last Raya. Duh!!! of course I do, I did it.. =___=

I should have typed this like last month but i abandoned my blog for exactly 4 months (26/6-24/10). It's about my Raya holidays back in Kuching, Sarawak. I went back from 17-24 of September, just 1 week away from my home, Gahhhh!! not enough time. I want to go back there until I forget what my room looks like. But schools only let a 1 week holiday, so what's there for me to do?

Anyway, I had to skip school on Thursday and Friday to catch a flight there. I had to wake up at 4.30 for sahur, then straight away bathed and got ready, went to the airport at 6 and boarded at 8. MAS peanuts are aweome, I had to settle for only 5 packets... =( As we were fasting,

I had to spend 3 days fasting there, which is kinda nice because it was only until 6.30pm and I woke up at around 12.teehee. It was mostly helping around the house and getting scolded around the first 5 days or so.

On the big day itself, I was like, extremely sleepy, my eyes could barely open. got lots of money but only 89% of last years duit raya. Went around taking photographs and visiting other relatives' houses during the 1st to 3rd day of raya. I'll post some later.

After 7 days there, packed our bags and left for the airport, too bad my grandma didn't go, she can't walk that long anymore, but almost everybody else went =( I'm really sad now because i keep thinking of her(my grandma, not anyone else)

bahh, need to go study for Pendidikan Sivik because apparently, I'm not civilised enough.. and apparently, discussing during an exam is prohibited =___________=*

bubye, pics on my next post then

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Greetings, Internet peasants —

I used to think that the Internet was only for poor people who wanted to buy used designer shoes (ewww) but it turns out that this blogging thing is quite popular. I read a few and realized that it was time to step in. The problem with the Internet is that even stupid people are allowed to write blogs! Ugly people, too! There are no rules! So I decided that I needed to start a blog so that you Internet peasants could read the thoughts of an intelligent, sophisticated person. If you read my blog a lot and learn from me, you might become a better human being. Give it a try. You have nothing to lose . . . trust me.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Please go!!

I'm gonna have another concert next month in 30 minutes. There's around 5 people playing and again, I'm gonna play the Electone Stagea. We're playing Tchaikovsky's concerto no.1, but this time, we jazzed it up. It plays weird sounding notes during the middle part.

It's gonna be held in Dewan Sri Pinang, on the 7th December 2009 at around 7.00p.m.. Tickets are selling at RM30, RM50 and RM100. Please come and watch.

okay, done with promoting. I promised I would and I did. I kept my part of the bargain.
It's really been stressful for me these past few days with exams coming in a few days. I'm gonna have to suffer for 2 whole weeks. Maybe I'll pause the surfing for that period in time to concentrate on studying, especially my bio, which i haven't studied for it yet.(*holds for laughs) =.=

Well, my trailer for my own movie will come out soon after my exams. Our own personal MJ (Bob) will be coming on as a guest star in the movie. We taught him the moves, so now he has to practice them.

Type again after the torture period soon.
bubye =(

Monday, October 26, 2009

2 in 2. YAY!!

Oh, Yea!! 2 posts in 2 days. I'm back, i think, in some way.. -.-

Like I said, this is the article that my pic appeared in.yay.

So, about this "Hari Kokurikulum" thing, it was an overall lame, completely unnecessary event to be held on a school day. On the other hand, that meant no lessons were going on that day. I was shoved out of my 2nd bed (the car seat) at around 6.30am and rushed to the Robotics Club exhibition room, only to find that it's still locked and I had nowhere safe to put my laptop. So, I rushed to the Music Room and stayed there for half an hour to practice my dance moves for the "Persatuan Kebudayaan Melayu" performance I had to do later in the morning. W all had to get ready on the huge and tiring field at around 7.00 am and we only started at around 8.30 am. It was a hot and humid morning past 8. The Dato' or so he's called arrived, as always, fashionably late. We all had to march in front of the pavillion and look at those oh, so important people when we reached it. We lined up and all the martial arts uniform bodies had to perform their pattern. I went in for Karate and we did our Kata's(Bassadai and Kanku Sho) We didn't have enough time to do the third one because the other 6 groups finished way too early and besides, all eyes were only on us during the performance.

During the assembly, I had to rush back into the school building and prepare for the BatikBot presentation. The Batik shirt was really hot and I was wet inside. The whole presentation went quite well I guess, other than the wax clogging up and the paintbrush splitting up.
Then, I rushed behind the stage to get changed for my last dance(hehe, my last dance, hah!) for the Persatuan Kebudayaan Melayu. I had to dance with an orange umbrella, the ones like in the olden days, made of wood. Somehow, I didn't forget my moves, yay for me.
Well, after playing counter strike, checking out facebook, msn and other things someone shouldn't be doing using the school's free internet connection, I went to practice backflipping. It's really hard. First, I had to try flipping while holding two poles, it went smoothly ater a few times. Then, spinning without the poles, not so much. I need a whole lotta training to get through this.
During the end-year holidays, I'm so spending my time with a few of my 'colleagues' to create "Nonsense...... the movie". It's going to be about transformers, Dragonball and some other things. After shoooting, we'll add the special effects. Too bad we're only going to create part one first and see how the response is.
Well, off to train MJ moves... =_='

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Back as hell.. whatever that means

Soooo, after like 4 months of completely halted blogging, i'm back, bigger(yea, I actually gained 1kg) and feeling crappier because my exams are like coming on in a week or so. This is such a stressful time for me, I only have 1 week left, and I barely covered a chapter on any subject whatsoever, except english =_=

Blogging is gay - 1
gay is being happy - 2

Substitute 2 into 1
=blogging is just a way of being happy

This is starting to become random, right?

I know, I know, I suck at this story-telling/storytelling crap. But it's who I am, so just find a way to deal with it.

YAY!! My picture came out in the papers again on Wednesday. It was an article on the Co-curriculum Day in PFS, it was a picture of me operating my creation, the BatikBot™. It's a robot that consists of 97% lego parts and it draws and paints Batik. Oh yea, it's the first ever robot in the world that does that sort of thing, a Batik printing robot doesn't count. Maybe i'll post the article in my next post.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

woo hoo!!

After 2 long weeks of suffering in the robotics lab, we only amounted to almost nothing. Everything for the robotics competition was actually finished in the last 2 days. las 2 nights actually, 9-11.30pm.

Our team was competing in the upper secondary open category. The theme was artist robot and we wanted to put in some 'unsur tradisional' in it. So, we created a batik drawing and painting robot. We wore blue batik shirts and white pants, we looked good. GAAH!! If only there was a best dressed and best decoration category, which they took out purposely because they knew PFS was too good at that. We could've won those hands down.

Some parts of the programming actually went wrong and because of the environment(open-air hall), the wax we heated continuously before the judges came froze too quickly. By the time the judging started, only drops of the wax came out of the 'canting' pen.

We had a kick-ass presentation and everybody was truly fascinated by our folio/presentation. Hence, we had a lot of people gathering around our booth almos the whole time. There were twinkling lights and a bright spotlight at our display. We also had our presentation shown on a big projector screen.

In the end, we only managed a 3rd place win and "Best Innovative Idea" award for our efforts. 2 PFS teams managed to get top-10 in the planting category, they won 5th and 10th place consiquently. We had a lot of fun and take that Lee Ewe Im for giveing us not enaough support. Should've given us more money and we could've won first. Oh well, we're aiming for next year because this is our first time in the open category and we really looked like amateurs.

Photos? Next time I log in..bubye..

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

what I did during the holidays..

This is the worst holiday I have ever had. On weekdays, I've done nothing but robotics in the morning until 1330 and karate from 1800 to 2000. It's really tiring once i get through it at first but after a few days, I became accustomed to it. I've been training under this Iranian coach for karate for the past month and have been better at sparring then I have ever been before. He used to be a World Champion for sparring. I think his name was Yousef Ataei or something like that. My legs are friggin' tired and painful and my abs are aching but it's all for a good cause, fun. Hey, who says fun isn't a good cause?

well, that's all for now because I can't talk on my current robotics feat because it's top-secret, for now at least..

bubye for now..

Saturday, May 9, 2009

International Hectic day (IU day)

It was such a hectic day today.. I had the International Understanding day(IU day) for Interact Club members today at Chung Ling. Every year, there's a theme to follow. Last year, it was Europe, the countries. And this year, it is Japan. People might just think of Japan as just a country that creates technological stuff for our own convenience, but it's also a country rich in culture and tradition (although I didn't learn much there, other than origami). Each school had to do a presentation on a culture in Japan, the fashion, traditional games and other things..

Penang Free School had to do a presentation and sketch on the cultures of Japan: the sculptures, the martial arts and calligraphy. Four of us from PFS had to do a sketch on the weapons from Japan, I was doing nunchakus with another guy while another two people were using bokans(wooden katanas). It was fun but painful in the beginning. We only met once on Thursday to plan and practice our act. On Friday, we didn't do anything because we were too lazy.

Just now, I went there at 8.45am to get my attendance for the IU day and the coloured bracelet.. I took the pink one(the only one from my school that did). After the Opening ceremony, they asked us to go into each of our groups according to the colour of our bracelets, there were pink, blue, red and yellow. I was the only one from PFS that took pink and was lonely at first until i met Naddy there, she didn't see me at first so I had to go say HI! to her. She was the only one from SGGS that took pink too. I guess we have the same fate.Haihh..

For the first game, we had to play Bingo but with a slight twist. Instead of numbers, we had to get signatures or names of people with specific characteristics they made up and we can't sign the boxes ourselves. the characteristics are like: guy with pink socks, someone with size 8 shoes, someone with red shoes, girl without socks, girl with I-phone, girl without anklet, tallest girl in the hall, someone who can play drums, someone who can play the guitar, someone who can say "I love you" in Japanese, girl with silver watch, girl with ponytail, girl with braces, guy with necklace, guy who's 180cm tall, girl with make-up, guy with white belt, guy with birthday in March and some other 7 things that I can't possibly remember right now. All we had to get was one line filled with signatures and I was only getting these random signatures here and there, In the end I finally finished up one line and almost a few others, i also had to sign a few other papers because I had size 8 shoes.

The following game was rock, paper, scissors with sushi. 2 people come out, best 2-out-of-3, the winner chooses a sushi for the loser to eat (some of them hav a lot of wasabi and most of them don't), so it was fun watching people crying in disgust towards the dreadful wasabi but there were some lucky people too.

After that, we had the origami lesson. While the other people were busy getting themselves confused, the performers of PFS went out of the hall to practice for a while because our performance was after the origami thing. The time finally came for our performance, we got up on stage and the spotlights focussed on us. It's not fair that there was no music for our performance, the other performances did, why can't ours?:( It's so saddening.. anywho, it started with the bokan and ended up with me throwing my nunchaku away, kicking a guy and catching a bokan thrown in the air to finish off with a stab in his chest..

When it was time for the prize giving ceremony, PFS won best performance thanks to our weapons. After that, there was another performance from Chung Ling with this guy singing so terrible like he had a woodchipper stuffed down his throat that Naddy had to cover her ears and i just put on my headphones and listened away to better sounding songs. Finally lunch was served, I was so hungry that I rushed to wherever they were serving just to find out that it wasn't halal..T_T. . Me, Naddy and her senior had to starve because we couldn't eat anything from there other than drinking the water they gave. naddy went back at 1 because her mom called her, lucky for her. But I had to wait until 1.30 to go back homw and stuff down 1 nasi lemak, 2 roti canai, 1 mango pudding, 1 strawberry yoghurt and 3-4 glasses of water..

It was such a hectic day until I topped it off with playing football with my brother until we got too tired, that I ate some more. .

Screechings and other random things until next time..

Signing out..

for references and a story from another persons point of view on this particular IU day, go here..

Saturday, May 2, 2009


I juz realized after quite some time.. That I don't even have a single decent picture of myself other than those stiff passport-sized photos..gaahh!! I need a life..I have nothing to do, Exams are coming and studying has become fatal for me..

banging my head 'til next time


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It's only been what? less than a week? since me and Naddy really knew each other. Yet, we already have a lot of things that we have in common. Although it took us a day to figure things out, here's the list....

1. white chocolate
2. sushi
3. vanilla ice-cream
4. 100 plus
5. spaghetti
6. doodling when bored
7. Manchester United
8. gets blank easily
9. reading
10. shopping
11. mixed blood
12. hates David Archuleta
13. likes Lucky, Fall For You and I'm Yours
14. likes Jason Mraz

that's all for now, i think.. I'll add more if I can think of them.. coming to blogs near you..

In addition to the list above...

15. Interactors
16. Martial artists (karate & taekwon-do)
17. Add Maths

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

FedEx International Trade Challenge

It was a hectic day, but not at school. Wawasan Open University is a nice place to be, although their curry puffs were not all that. They had a vending machine though. It was a 7 hour "butt on the cushioned chair" kind of seminar. They were just explaining on what to do in the International Trade Challenge competition.. the 3000 word maximum report and 6-8 minutes of powerpoint presentation had to be done ourselves..T_T..We got a free shirt, a weird 5-in-1 highlighter and "crappy meals"..After that, each school had to present their own product which they don't have to make, the questionnaires on each school turned into a debate, which was kinda fun, one guy actually recorded some of it.. In the end, it was fun and really tiring for everyone because of the constant cheering and jeering during the presentations..

Happy moments for now,

Signing out..

p.s. -I didn't go to school because of this along with half of my class =)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

the stress of thinking how to cope..

It's really been a stressful 4 months trying to cope up with the new subjects. physics is kinda easy but it's only the beginning, the rest is all just a blur to me as i barely understand what the teacher is trying to explain.. Biology is boring and Chemistry is kinda fun when you start understanding the subject.

Just the thought of how I'm gonna cope with my studies over the next year gives me a lot of stress. Most people in my class are getting along pretty well with them and I'm still struggling..

Moving along, the Fiesta at SGGS and Sports' Day in PFS yesterday was really tiring.for me, it was 8.30-11=SGGS, 11-18.30=PFS, and by the time I got home, sleeping was a lot easier than I expected. It's really frustrating when you know that you were to participate in an event which then, the house captain replaces you with someone else and they won gold. GAAAAHHH!!! I really hate my sports house this year, I came to all trainings, I qualified into the finals all for just being the person replaced by someone else..

Laments and Frustrations 'til next time,
Signing out..

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

after a long leave of absence

i'm finally back from somewhere..

This holidays are a bad time for me.. I have nothing to do other than sleeping the whole holidays off. The musical is over and who knew that it would be a success.. seriously. It's been almost 2 months since i last written a post, so I don't know what to write..

this is me,
'til next time..
over and out..

Saturday, January 31, 2009

jannah was here!

Oh yay! I know WHAT TO POST.

So cute. So cute. So cute. So cute. So cute. So cute. So cute. SO cute. And, I like David Archuleta's hair. Just the hair (:

Next, I love Joe!
When he was 17 (:

So cute. Soooooooooooo cute! Unlike nazhan. Heh.

Anway, this is Jannah sitting on Nazhan's bed. Which is unawesome. Mine is more awesomer. And, his SOMETHING sucks to the bottom of my stomach. Yep. Guess what. Or who. YAY!
Anyway, I love Ricky! I love Ricky! I love Ricky!

I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ricky.

And doesn't the Lion King song suck like heck?
Tau tau jela

Bye! This post is dedicated to Mimi. Currently, she is taking pictures of Joe yang buruk from a magazine. Sad soul. ): She doesnt even know this blog exists kut. Hm.

Its much better blogging in my OWN blog ARGH BYE!