Tuesday, April 28, 2009

FedEx International Trade Challenge

It was a hectic day, but not at school. Wawasan Open University is a nice place to be, although their curry puffs were not all that. They had a vending machine though. It was a 7 hour "butt on the cushioned chair" kind of seminar. They were just explaining on what to do in the International Trade Challenge competition.. the 3000 word maximum report and 6-8 minutes of powerpoint presentation had to be done ourselves..T_T..We got a free shirt, a weird 5-in-1 highlighter and "crappy meals"..After that, each school had to present their own product which they don't have to make, the questionnaires on each school turned into a debate, which was kinda fun, one guy actually recorded some of it.. In the end, it was fun and really tiring for everyone because of the constant cheering and jeering during the presentations..

Happy moments for now,

Signing out..

p.s. -I didn't go to school because of this along with half of my class =)

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