Monday, September 10, 2012

At long last

I'm currently pursuing my Degree in Mechanical Engineering (Hons) at Universiti Teknologi Petronas. It's located in Bandar Seri Iskandar, Tronoh, Perak. I'm already into my second semester now, considering I didn't fail any subjects from last semester.

The campus itself is quite impressive but mind you, it's not the whole campus that's impressive, only the new blocks are. The previous blocks used by USM before they moved to Transkrian, Penang are still being used as lecture halls and tutorial rooms for foundation students. The library is the pinnacle of the entire design, it's based on oil-rig platforms that seems as though they're floating mid-air..

The Information Research Centre (IRC) = Library

The guard house

I took my foundation studies here as well beginning on May 19th 2011 and ended on May 9th 2012 and immediately started on my degree program a fortnight after, no time for long breaks for me..

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