Thursday, January 10, 2013


              I guess I've put it off for too long, I finally went out for my triple movie marathon  thanks to Liyana who thankfully agreed to endure this torment with me. It wasn't that bad after the first but as we got to the last one, drowsiness prevailed. Even for me, a person who's insomniac for more than half a year at most times, I felt tired after 3 movies. Now imagine how it'll be for me if I wanted to go for the 4-movie marathon? It'll be one hell of a time for me to stay conscious for the last one but I suppose it'll be worth it. Well, you won't know until you try it.

              Apart from that, I've also been putting off putting up some pictures of events I had late last year or early this year. Instead of doing it one by one, I'll make a collage instead and put a list of events that occurred in 2012, one picture per event so it'll be easier to make. I'll upload that as soon as i'm done with it. 

              As for now, i'm still on my one week so-called semester break which only feels like a long weekend since classes are starting next Monday, such a drab. I'll try to be more active here on blogger since I made a pact with myself to stick to at least one thing this year and so far I've been updating this quite frequently and the number of my readers grow each day. Also, another one of my resolutions is to do make a weekly post on songs that get stuck in my head during that week by posting either the music video or the song itself here,

              Another thing, Leverage Season 5 came out late last year and it's really something. The new season really tests your ability to perceive information and make your own conclusions and sometimes assumptions, its a real brain-boggler come to think of it. I really enjoy these kind of shows that really makes you use your brain to understand the show, if you don't think right, you will never understand the show (unless you wiki the plot summary, which would be cheating and also a spoiler and you don't want to cheat, do you?).

              To top that all off, today I had tomyam in a mug because life's too short to go find a bowl! (Y)

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