Friday, February 19, 2010

i can't believe it.. -.-"

Of all days and places for it to happen, it happened somewhere around 7 (which was starting to get dark) and in the middle of a not-so busy road (if it was busy, i'd be dead). The car suddenly felt lopsided and i was sitting on that side. Which was weird, coz i was lighter than my mom by around 1 or 2kg =___="

We kept on driving for a few kilometers and the journey was really bumpy since one tyre went psssssshhhhhhhhtttttt...... When we actually stopped by the roadside, i checked the tyre and it was completely deflated. So, my mom called my dad and my dad called my brother and my mom called my brother as well to ask him to pick us up and send us to the shoe store (so that my mom could buy her shoes) and send us back to the car.

For the first time ever, I changed the tyre of my car, which was really heavy even with help. It got really messy because of the grease and oil. I feel so proud of myself.. =D The inner part tyre was completely cracked through the whole circumference..

All in all, it was a valuable experience and there are moral values to be learnt from this but I just don't know what they are and don't bother telling me coz i don't want to know.

Signing out for now coz I have another post coming in a few hours
Teletubbies does increase mental retardation among children.

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