Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It's only been what? less than a week? since me and Naddy really knew each other. Yet, we already have a lot of things that we have in common. Although it took us a day to figure things out, here's the list....

1. white chocolate
2. sushi
3. vanilla ice-cream
4. 100 plus
5. spaghetti
6. doodling when bored
7. Manchester United
8. gets blank easily
9. reading
10. shopping
11. mixed blood
12. hates David Archuleta
13. likes Lucky, Fall For You and I'm Yours
14. likes Jason Mraz

that's all for now, i think.. I'll add more if I can think of them.. coming to blogs near you..

In addition to the list above...

15. Interactors
16. Martial artists (karate & taekwon-do)
17. Add Maths

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

FedEx International Trade Challenge

It was a hectic day, but not at school. Wawasan Open University is a nice place to be, although their curry puffs were not all that. They had a vending machine though. It was a 7 hour "butt on the cushioned chair" kind of seminar. They were just explaining on what to do in the International Trade Challenge competition.. the 3000 word maximum report and 6-8 minutes of powerpoint presentation had to be done ourselves..T_T..We got a free shirt, a weird 5-in-1 highlighter and "crappy meals"..After that, each school had to present their own product which they don't have to make, the questionnaires on each school turned into a debate, which was kinda fun, one guy actually recorded some of it.. In the end, it was fun and really tiring for everyone because of the constant cheering and jeering during the presentations..

Happy moments for now,

Signing out..

p.s. -I didn't go to school because of this along with half of my class =)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

the stress of thinking how to cope..

It's really been a stressful 4 months trying to cope up with the new subjects. physics is kinda easy but it's only the beginning, the rest is all just a blur to me as i barely understand what the teacher is trying to explain.. Biology is boring and Chemistry is kinda fun when you start understanding the subject.

Just the thought of how I'm gonna cope with my studies over the next year gives me a lot of stress. Most people in my class are getting along pretty well with them and I'm still struggling..

Moving along, the Fiesta at SGGS and Sports' Day in PFS yesterday was really tiring.for me, it was 8.30-11=SGGS, 11-18.30=PFS, and by the time I got home, sleeping was a lot easier than I expected. It's really frustrating when you know that you were to participate in an event which then, the house captain replaces you with someone else and they won gold. GAAAAHHH!!! I really hate my sports house this year, I came to all trainings, I qualified into the finals all for just being the person replaced by someone else..

Laments and Frustrations 'til next time,
Signing out..