Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade

I still dub this song as my favourite of all time. I guess I don't have many logical reasons as to why it is my favourite but just because it is. Perhaps because of its sentimental or nostalgic value to me, i'm still not sure. I guess that's how love really is, inexplainable. If you really love something or someone, you have no reason as to why, you just do! It's one of life's guilty pleasures apart from good food I suppose but it's a dangerous one. When you do fall in love, it's just as easy to fall out of it and more often than none, at least one side gets hurt through the process. Also, there's the poeple trying to prod into other people's happiness, they should be killed with fire in my opinion..

Anyway, here's Secondhand Serenade's Fall For You..

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