Wednesday, March 27, 2013

FESCO 2013 workshop

Okay, UPAG just got back from an overnight trip to UNITEN for the FESCO (Festival of Colours of the World) workshop. UTP has hosted this event since 2008 and it was held biennially up until this year due to the massive response from participating universities and institutions. It's a local dance competition held in UTP to showcase traditional dances from all races and religions within Malaysia. Sometimes joined by international countries such as Thailand and Indonesia, we really have great publicity even outside the country.

We had a convoy of 3 cars leaving UTP at 7am for The Lost World of Tambun for the UTP Family Day where we had to conduct a flash mob using We're All in This Together from High School Musical, too bad there's no video for this. Left Tambun at 1pm for KL and everybody was awfully tired after the morning performance that the primary drivers had to opt for their backup driver except for me .-. reached KL at 5 and lepak-ed at Midvalley Megamall for like 2 hours before heading to UKM where we bunked overnight for like RM12 in rooms with fans that had a maximum speed of 2 eventhough it was pointed at 5.. T_T

Left UKM for UNITEN at 7am again and prepared the lecture hall for the workshop. This year's theme for FESCO is "Malaysian New Creation Dance" of which participating teams had to create new dances based on the aspects and foundations of traditional moves. Even new songs had to be made to earn extra points as it is essential for this new type of dance. This year, we're having 15 teams participating in the competition.

Workshop was divided into 2 segments, theory and practical. Everyone sat in the hall listening to the lecture given by our guest speaker, Abdul Hamid Chan. After lunch, the practical session was conducted between all the attending teams. Each team had to come up with a few moves depending on their new idea for a dance and the basic traditional dance they based it on to test everyone's understanding of the concept and idea of the whole theme of this year's competition.

Headed back to UTP at 6pm and only reached at 10pm because we stopped for more than an hour at Tapah to have dinner.

Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade

I still dub this song as my favourite of all time. I guess I don't have many logical reasons as to why it is my favourite but just because it is. Perhaps because of its sentimental or nostalgic value to me, i'm still not sure. I guess that's how love really is, inexplainable. If you really love something or someone, you have no reason as to why, you just do! It's one of life's guilty pleasures apart from good food I suppose but it's a dangerous one. When you do fall in love, it's just as easy to fall out of it and more often than none, at least one side gets hurt through the process. Also, there's the poeple trying to prod into other people's happiness, they should be killed with fire in my opinion..

Anyway, here's Secondhand Serenade's Fall For You..

Thursday, March 7, 2013

UPAG in Taiwan 2013

After coming back from Taiwan, i've been on hiatus for anything other than anything on-going in UTP and outside the realm of the Internet. I have been meaning to update on the trip to Taiwan for quite some time and finally got around to writing it.

We went for a total of 5 days only, from the 22nd until 27th of March 2013. First stop was Hsinchu county. Our hotel was modest and served very mediocre breakfast, sadly. Its name is Left Bank Hotel, I can't figure out why it was named so. We were there to perform with the Chinese Orchestra from Kedah consisting of three secondary schools for the Annual Taiwan Lantern Festival which falls aptly after the celebration of the Chinese New Year.

On the third day we shot off to Taipei by taxi and performed for the last time in the Chinese Cultural University. Too bad no one had the opportunity to record our performance on both occasions. So i'll just let the pictures do the talking..