Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Me, myself and who?

Things most people don't know about me.. why i'm creating this list, I don't know. Frankly, I'm just bored as hell..

1. I play multiple instruments but the piano is my forte.
2. I dance dance dance!! :D
3. I sing from time to time.
4. I do and think up of random stuff all the time.
5. I wear glasses.
6. I don't know how to flirt. :/
7. I don't play computer games!! XD
8. Can speak more than 2 languages(maybe around 4, with several other accents)but not THAAATTT fluent though..
9. I like MCR!
10. I think that fourteen was the best age EVARRR!!
11. loves pepperoni! :D especially with the EXTRA CHEESE!!!!
12. Somehow likes little kids but not in a paedophiliac way.
13. Me likey Italian food. and SUSHII!! :O
14. I love PURPLEE!! <3 but red is a close second..heh :D
15. Likes gummies! :p
16. thinks that kittens are better than cats.
17. I supported both England and Germany for the World Cup. Am I the ONLY freak to do that? D:
18. Hates needles!
19. Has mental health issues, i think.. >:D
20. I HATE taugehs! blekkk
21. Can twist a cherry stem with my tongue. :/
22. I'm not chinese!! -.-" I am half Sarawakian though..
23. I like hugging! It relieves stress somehow..
24. Is an awesome photographer! C:
25. I cook! :B
26. I feel obliged to do math everywhere and whenever i can because i like it!
27. likes numbers 7, 21 and 27. and that's why I stopped at 27.. :)

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