Friday, August 27, 2010

ooohhhh (less than three)

Writing with the moon! It's so friggin fun!! :D technically, it's the camera that does all the work but I still used the moon to write with it.. Instead of blabbering on and trying to make sense of this crap while you still being confused, i'll just show pictures..

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Maybe I should update this place like I promised to, several times over. And I probably should stick to what I said.. :/ Albeit it's the month of trials, i'm still online anyways. Heck, i'm online everyday after school.

So therefore, now, i'm gonna dedicate a blogpost to ALPACAS like I promised to someone. XD

1. Llamas are nowhere near as cute as alpacas (you will see why at the bottom of this post)
2. That beautiful "fur" that grows on their body is called PERFECTION. better than a llama's.
3. They are really prestigious creatures.
4. Llamas are fatter.
5. They don't spit on people (of which llamas spitting is a misconception;explained below)
6. Now, for some pictures... :D

Q: Do they spit?
A: Yes, they do spit, but usually at each other. This being over
disputes about food primarily. A bred female llama will spit at
advances from a male llama. An over-handled llama, improperly
socialized without other llamas present, will think humans are
llamas and will spit as a normal course of action against the other
"llama". A mistreated or mishandled llama, may also spit at humans.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Complete lalas

This is what happens on a 2 hour bus ride when you have nothing better to do with a laptop in your lap and another person sitting beside's dumb and a waste of your time!

Person 1: is it ....??!?
Person 1: underage T_T
Person 2: i know right xD
Person 1: pfftt.. if only..haih! DX
Person 2: if only what? D:
Person 1: you know what i'm talking bounces and has a fluffy ass.. :/
Person 2: Watermelon or kiwi or is it a bunny? =D
Person 1: i'm talking bout pies, you pie.. -__-
Person 2: which pie the human pie or pie pie?
Person 1: meat pie pie..dummyyy
Person 2: ahhh i see brb phonecall
Person 1: urgh..finallyyy!! e_e
Person 2: ehh ehhh gtg bye xD xD
Person 1: noooooo, where are you goinn? D:
Person 2: um somewhere
Person 1: is it THAAATTT important?
Person 2: to the the pie's house!!!*plays to the secret lab sfx*

Told you it was dumb and no, I'm not gonna give you the past 3 minutes of your life back!! -____-"

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Me, myself and who?

Things most people don't know about me.. why i'm creating this list, I don't know. Frankly, I'm just bored as hell..

1. I play multiple instruments but the piano is my forte.
2. I dance dance dance!! :D
3. I sing from time to time.
4. I do and think up of random stuff all the time.
5. I wear glasses.
6. I don't know how to flirt. :/
7. I don't play computer games!! XD
8. Can speak more than 2 languages(maybe around 4, with several other accents)but not THAAATTT fluent though..
9. I like MCR!
10. I think that fourteen was the best age EVARRR!!
11. loves pepperoni! :D especially with the EXTRA CHEESE!!!!
12. Somehow likes little kids but not in a paedophiliac way.
13. Me likey Italian food. and SUSHII!! :O
14. I love PURPLEE!! <3 but red is a close second..heh :D
15. Likes gummies! :p
16. thinks that kittens are better than cats.
17. I supported both England and Germany for the World Cup. Am I the ONLY freak to do that? D:
18. Hates needles!
19. Has mental health issues, i think.. >:D
20. I HATE taugehs! blekkk
21. Can twist a cherry stem with my tongue. :/
22. I'm not chinese!! -.-" I am half Sarawakian though..
23. I like hugging! It relieves stress somehow..
24. Is an awesome photographer! C:
25. I cook! :B
26. I feel obliged to do math everywhere and whenever i can because i like it!
27. likes numbers 7, 21 and 27. and that's why I stopped at 27.. :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Wayang Kulit with a twist

Imagine a traditional wayang kulit theatre, drab and unattractive for our generation-Y as generalists categorise our generation. So... my team and I used our slogan "Embracing Yesterday, Defining Tomorrow" and gave a twist to the conventional theaterette..

Now imagine it being modernised, with motorised interchangeable backgrounds and the puppets are fully-automoted robots instead cardbiards controlled by hands. Better? maybe..I hope so. It's still in the process though, right now, all that's left is the programming and adjustments to the background. Not to forget, the competition's in 4(FOUR) DAYS TIMEEE!! D:

As you can see, there are 2 main characters, the hero(small robot) and the mutant(alien).

back view front view

It's the year 2206, humans have left Earth due to global warming and deactivated their robots before their departure. But now, one has been activated and questions his presence in the world. He encounters with an mutant alien and finds out about who he is and where he is..

Programming's not gonna be as easy as initially thought. To synchronise all the bricks is gonna be quite hard. Although the Batik-Bot programming was quite easy to do, it had only 2 bricks. The new one has 3!! T_T

This new project is simply abbreviated as MIST (Multimedia Integrated Shadow Theatre). The whole thing actually went on better when thought of but that happens all the time anyway.. So for now I can only hope the process goes on well with very minor problems. :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

An Absence of Almost Permanent Leave

So sorry to have left my blog for so very long. It is NOT DEAD!! It had just come out of a coma and hopefully not slip back into one.. T_T hmm, it's in the I.C.U. now having extensive therapy. Ok, so I was video hopping (searching for random videos) on youtube today and I came across this awesome STAR WARS parody! here it is.. XD