Tuesday, November 18, 2008



when was the last time you ran?
a while back to the car..

do your jeans have rips/ tears/ holes in them?

what are you dreading right now?

do you celebrate 420?

do you get the 8 full hours of sleep every night?
YEAH + 4 more hours!!=.=

if anyone came to your hse on your lazy days, what would you do?
keep staying at home(my dad won't let me out)!!

who last grabbed your ass?

how do most people spell your name?

what do you do when you're sad?
I rant to myself...

have you ever stayed online a long time waiting for someone?
of course!!! sometimes i'm juz talking to myself!!!!!

have you ever kicked a vending machine?

who or what sleeps with you?
uhhhhh, my pillow?

is anyone on your bad side now?
duh(but he doesn't know that he is!)

what are you doing tomorrow?
let me check my schedule. umm. NOTHING!!=.="

do you know anyone with the same name as you?
sadly, yeah!

what irritates you the most on the internet?
pop ups and viruses!!

could you live without a computer?
nopety!! it's my only source of friends

at what age did you find out that santa wasn't real?
santa isnt real? 14++

what's the first thing you do when you go online?
go to the toilet so i dont get interrupted later on! =.=*

favourite name for a girl?

and i tag?
whoever who doesn't want to do this tag :D

Saturday, November 15, 2008


that's it!! I think I just reached a totally new level of misery thanks to Jannah!(jannah: yay). hmph. Well, thanks to you i'm just getting more and more miserable everyday.

Friday, November 14, 2008


at least i got my number back!! yay. thank god maxis established such things. it's too nice of a number to waste or throw away. it's got my birth date on it for god's sake!!! how could i throw that away! 2111930 - 21/11/1993 + 0
so how do you expect me
to live alone with just me?
'cause my world revolves around you
it's so hard for me to breathe


i lost phoney(name: motorola L7). I know it's lame. but it had my 210 songs in it. urghhh!!! damn those fools who stole my phone. at least my birthday is in a week. but. But i won't even be at home to celebrate my own birthday. and it really SUCKS!!! hopefully something good will come my way soon, because all i've been getting this week is really terrible luck. i just wanna SCREAMM!!!!! That felt better!!

signing out,
ME =_=*

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


tagged by LYNN..................urgh

1. do you think you're hot?
definitely not

2. upload your favourite picture of you
3. why do you like that picture?
~Its the only decent picture i have (i need to take more pics!!)

4. when was the last time you at pizza?
~2 months ago

5. the last song you listened to?
~Pink - So What

6. what are you doing now besides this?
~chatting with Lynn....again

7. what name would you prefer besides yours?
~i love my name. It's weird

People to tag :

8. who's number one? (Lynn)
~jannah's bestie who i only know through msn =_=*

9.number 3 is having a relationship with? (Jannah)
~Lynn =_=

10. say something about number 5? (Luqman)
~He was the only gay that popped out in my mind at this point of time.

11. how about number 4? (Aliff)
~uhhh........one of the 2000 people in my school that i could think of

12. who is number 2? (Jas)
~some girl whose dream i accidentally dropped into(oops!!)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Penang Bird Park, Seberang Jaya, Penang

It was Awesome!!!!! especially that cockatoo! it kept leaping into my arm and biting my pocket and sleeves!!!! the scratches from the parrot didnt hurt, although it did leave scratch marks.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


it's been 6 days since i last posted a blog on mysterious people. i dont even know what to blog about. Usually, random stuff just pops into my brain. But someting has been disturbing that course of randomness through my brain. Nothing funny pops out of there anymore.