Thursday, October 25, 2012


I've been on hiatus the past few weeks, but for no obvious reason. I don't know what's wrong with me, I've had a lot to update lately but I've been so lethargic and lazy. I had several events under my belt this semester but I only concentrated on the biggest one yet, Discover PETRONAS.

I designed this :p

This event is organised under PETRONAS itself but since they are at KLCC, they pushed the task to UTP and the students as the committee for the event. It is directly organised under the Society of Petroleum Engineers in UTP (SPE-UTP-SC) but the application for the committee was opened to all students. As expected, I enrolled and interviewed for the Promotion and Publication department and got the post of Head of Department. I'm the youngest in the board of committees so I feel as though there's a lot of pressure on my half since I have to keep up to the standards that they expect of me. I don't want to disappoint anyone and I know I can do my job well (I hope).

I'm in charge of designing the posters, banners, buntings, lanyard, website, videos and montage to promote the event as well as publicise it through the network media. I hope my committee can cope up with their tasks and not slack in their studies at the same time.

So far, the events I've joined hasn't affected my studies in any major way. I've always been able to work things out even if it's until the last minute but I don't think this success will last long going deeper into my undergraduate studies. The subjects are going to be tougher and more difficult and I don't think I can cope with it if I keep on joining events. So, I'll stop joining any events in my second undergraduate year apart from my UPAG performances.

UPAG (UTP Performing Arts Group) is UTP's world-renowned dance group. We've performed on every stage from university-level up until the international stage. Further accomplishments can be googled on the web, it isn't hard to find their accomplishments. I've joined them since last sem and enjoyed every minute of it.

I'll update more when I feel less


Monday, October 1, 2012

Cat traps

I just find this so amusing because it's true, boxes attract cats!

and this video certainly proves that point..

I have a certain fondness towards cats since I was young, especially Scottish Folds. They're typically good-natured and adjust to other animals within a household extremely well. They tend to become very attached to their human caregivers and are by nature quite affectionate.They are known for their playfulness, affection, and are intelligent, loyal, and adaptable to home situations, people and children.