Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Well that was a total waste of time..


I just had my first ever BM tuition today and it was surprisingly fun. And as it turns out, I learned more about the nuts and bolts of making a rumusan in one hour than I did in my whole of form four.. =____________=''

Friday, January 8, 2010


This blog needs a little sprucing up. I shall think of ways to spruce this blog up, I shall!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I've been blog hopping lately and I found out that (actually, I already knew this for quite some time) my blog is probably one of the worst ever n the world wide web. T_T

I guess I really should do something about it and not put off something i've been procrastinating for a long time, almost 6 months. To upgrade this blog and make it fun-er will take some time but hopefully, it'll be worth it. =D

Saturday, January 2, 2010


2010 is a brand new year and 2009 was a year full of surprises and unprecedented events. and this means that I have barely 300 more days to go to prepare for my SPM examinations. This is gonna be a sad and miserable year for me T_T and now, i can barely go online, hardly even once a week.. D=

Hope everyone else has fun in the start of this new decade..tralala

One World.. -.-

well, the 3-day trip to KL turned out okay. I thought that it would be to short of time to have fun (which it was), but I kinda guess I was proven wrong. After the whole gang, which includes the smallies and their chief, Jannah(who doesn't give a damn about them) arrived at the hotel in the evening, things really started to get fun. Durng dinne at Homst, someone who had a little too much to eat puked and that disgusted luqman and he said he lost his appetite but as always, he still continued with his tomyam after like 3 seconds of putting it down.

Pictures are too big and takes too damn long too upload.... =_____="

We had the same waiter for 2 breakfasts in a row and he has to put up with the same crap my family gives on both days, pity his poor soul.
It's a pity we couldn't go watch Sherlock Holmes because of time constraints =(

We (including Jannah) went to my cousin's house for a birthday party i think, not sure. We got party packs, yay!! =D(it wasn't that awesome). Although she didn't know what was going on, Jannah still agreed to have a sleepover at the hotel, bunking with mimi and my mom on our last night there.
During Ateh's swim with the smallies in the hotel pool on our last morning, me and Jannah went to Jusco it luqman to buy water in bottles(plastic ones D=) because they felt dehydrated after the swim =_=" Lynn was supposed to come to One Utama to meet me for the first time but alas, she ended up going to Petaling Street instead because of the "heavy" traffic..it wasn't that bad okaaayy!! there were only a few (hundred) cars in front of One Utama.pfftt
All in all, celebrating Christmas time in KL was an awesome idea although having more time would've made it better.