Monday, December 21, 2009

I feel so lonely..

why does almost everone i text to think that i'm annoying? I barely text them and yet they barely reply whatever I text them. Don't know why, but it feels so ironical to me..

hmmmm...........worth thinking or digging into

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Of new friends and pg-18 sketches.. =D

The District Interact Conference that was held this year in the campus of the New INTI College was an awesome and unforgettable adventure for everyone who went there, seriously -.- I know that to some of you, conferences sounds like a god-awful way to waste four(4) whole days of your lives in but this particular one was an exception. Sure, some of the speeches were boring, half of the people in the hall were dozing off. Why? maybe it's because that the speeches were o integrity, morality, patriotism and uhhh, i dozed off halfway through it all, so I don't remember now. Anyway, most of it was was fun to listen to too; facebook-ing, trip to the south and north pole by Datin Paduka (Dr.) Hajjah Sharifah Mazlina, crime related problems in schools and so on and so forth.

I'm too lazy to upload pictures and sadly I don't have a camera so I took no pictures whatsoever on my own.

On the day of arrival, we, the Penang team had to rush as fast as possible to our respective dorms because lunch was almost done and the ice-breaking event was about to begin, and i don't wanna miss that =D don't ask why -.- The girls get to share a 10x8 ish room with 2 people in each but the guys had to settle with one person per room, which is very small, 6x4 ish. My room had air-conditioning as it was on the 4th floor, and lugging around my bag all the way up there was anything but fun =_="

During the ice-breaking event, we got split up into groups of 10 i think. The Penang contingent joined in halfway after we had our lunches. In this other game, we had to make as many connecting lines as possible from one end of a tennis court to the other using whatever we had at that point in time except a pencil, what can we do weth a pencil??draw a line? I actually sacrificed the most; my ipod, the earphones, my belt, hat, and.......pants T_T good thing I was wearing boxers on that particular day.

Everything else that happenned throughout the other 2 days were speeches and eating. Other than that, we started planning our performance for the talentime on the 3rd day. We started brainstorming and came up with quite a disturbing topic after listening to the crime related problems in school; which was about 'DON'T HAVE underage sex'. We started practicing on the night before the talentime. I was playing the main character, the one that's innocent and was seduced by the girl into doing you-know-what. Unfortunately, we didn't get to finish the sketch because of the 6-minute time limit. -.-

I made a lot of "exciting" friends and adventures there, and I also gt a lot of digits, "ehem". The goodbyes were somehow long, hard and really saddening. =(

All in all, it was one heck of a place to spend four days in. Didn't regret a single moment being there at all.

Oh yea, everyone loved and wanted my awesome hat that mimah gave; it makes me so proud to make them think I'm great at dancing.. ;D